
                                   next 8 Day Retreat in Sedona, June 29th to 11th July

Akahmi* Academy online : Webinars, Courses & Retreats Via Skype 2012

*Living from Love* Infinite Pranic Being*
8 Day Breatharian Transition Process: dates 2012*
-March 8th to 15th
April 7th to 14th 
May 5th to 12th
Via Skype from Cal.  U.S.A.
groups of five people Spanish and English
the cost per person of the full 8 day Group workshop Via Skype is :$1000usd

reserve your space with a Paypal $500usd deposit to: selfmasteryjourney.akahmi@gmail.com
*Non Refoundable* wich must be received 10 days before the beggining of the workshop

for coordination dates and information  akahmi@gmail.com and you will receive an instructional message with guidelines to the development of the workshop.
You may choose to receive your retreat in a peaceful place and free from distraction .
All breathings sessions will be given in complete confidence .
Skype and good internet conection and videocall equipment are required.
more info about the 8 day *Infinite Pranic Being* Breatharian Process in the home page.

-Saturday 3rd , 8:AM pacific time, San Francisco, Ca. 
-Saturday 31st , 8 AM pacific time, San Francisco, Ca.
1 Day *Breathing my Light* Seminar 
This is a very smooth 1 day process intended to submerge us in our internal dimension of light, breathe,
and remember that the key that opens the path to light* is inside of us.

During this day Akahi will share 3 conscious breathing sessions and an affirmation are shared**the time between sessions is yours to enjoy.
This seminar-process doesn’t require any special preparation and yes, 

it does integrate better with a diet of fresh fruits or liquids (fruit juices…) in the quantity of your choice…

This way you choose how to enjoy and respect this day.

Breathing session time 1:00hour

*Implants of Happiness* - internal science

*Infinit8* - pranism

*The Divine Encounter* - canalization


*5 person group in English and 5 person group in Spanish*

the cost per person of the 1 day Group workshop and healing sessions Via Skype is :$170usd

send your Paypal deposit and your basic info to : selfmasteryjourney.akahmi@gmail.com

and you will receive an instructional message.

You may choose to receive your session in a peaceful place and free from distraction .

All breathings sessions and conferences, will be given in complete confidence .

Skype and good internet conection and videocall equipment are required.



sunday 1th

*Breatharian Healing Science* 4 sunday practical course*

Prana*neurocellular sience - sacred geometry -new age technology.

*from 8 am, every sunday, 2 hour seminar*

breathe and meditate with us learning your natural capacity to influence into 

your mind and body to create perfect health and inner harmony in a permanent expression*

reprogram traumas and negative memories that are causing suffering in your 

life's present experiences , and replace them with information of love
that make you happy and healthy now*

cut your genetic chain and heal Karma*

learn how to activate and use unactivated cells through the conscious breath and the sunlight gazing*

reprogram your belief systems to become who you want to be*


*2 hour every week, 1 hour conference and 1 hour breathing session*

sunday 1st- Creating our physical reality from the non-physical energy* 2 hour 

sunday 8th- Memory Reprograming* 2 hour

sunday 15th- Inner Neurocellular Science* 2 hour

sunday 22nd - DNA Reprograming* 2 hour

*5 person group in English and 5 person group in Spanish*
to reserve your space and donations
       Click here                                            

wich must be received 7 days before the beggining of the workshop

send your name and your basic info to akahmi@gmail.com
you will receive an instructional message.

You may choose to receive your session in a peaceful place and free from distraction .

All breathings sessions and conferences, will be given in complete confidence .

Skype and good internet conection and videocall equipment are required.

     Celebrating Life Retreats


Conscious Pregnancy & Divine Birth 
March 4th
April 1st
May 6th
English Spoken
Goups of five Women
email: camila.luz.divina@gmail.com


Summer **2012
Sedona  July 1st to 10
France July 15 to 25 
San Francisco June