Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Akahmi. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Akahmi. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

Alegria*Tv Show #7. The Beauty Way, we all are part of the Awakening*

Alegria*Tv brings infinite resources with the intention to collaborate with the human awakening into Selfmastery*

Today, sing with us in the melody of happiness. From the Akahmi* Academy in California we bring to you teachings, perspectives, possibilities, and insights about Human potential and the best way to become part of Planetary Ascension. A Creative affirmation to illuminate your life with infinite love, fun, and joy.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Alegria*TV Show #6- Body of Light, Acupressure and wellness

Today, a new adventure in Alegria*TV. Art expressions in poetry with Illup*, a great treat for you with Jenna Schroeder sharing an Acupressure session to put in practice with yourself and those you love. Also, Akahi* sharing the perspective of non-separation and answering your question about the Light Body-Merkaba, and a new affirmation to love your reality and expand your joy.

Breathe into your greatness*

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Alegria*Tv #4 *Living from Love* insight with Dr Edith Chan.

Hi Master Generation
Today, to breathe into our greatness* mastery*infinite potential*we are*
a new Affirmation, to empower your day and life, also a open minded discovers from Dr Edith Chan, DAOM. L,Ac.society, meditation, living from love* , images of the Simbol of the Infinite* 8 * to activate our inner light code. Remember, you are the Master* 

Alegria* Conscious Television with Akahi & Camila from 
*The Rainbow Sunshine Family*
Be a participant witness of the planetary awareness with Akahi & Camila in this TV space directed toward the human self-empowerment and planetary harmony.
Questions and answers to conscious themes such as breatharianism, life style, health, nutrition, self-sustainability, natural house building, nature preservation and new green technology, new era, meditation, yoga and fitness, among infinite themes that you can recommend us to consider in the show

Dr Edith Chan, DAOM. L.Ac.

Akahi & Camila 
follow us on:


viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

8 day Breatharian Process

********infinite pranic being***********  


* 8 DAY BREATHARIAN enlightenment Process *

 online *VIA SKYPE*

March 8th to 15th, 2012

 starts the thursday 8th at 8 am 

during the 8 day workshop you will recive a perfect secuence of conscious breathing technics,  accompany by a specific diet that includes 3 day fast and fresh fruit and juices.

the cost per person of the full 8 day group workshop online via Skype is: $1000usd, 
2 groups with maximum space for 5 people in Spanish and 5 people in English

reserve your space with a $500.00 USD
 deposit * to:  Non refoundable *
which must be received 10 days before the beginning of the process*  and then
send your name and your basic info to:, International Bilingual Coordinator.

You may choose to receive your retreat in a peaceful place and free from distraction .                                                 All breathing sessions will be given in complete confidence 
a meeting with the participant is required prior to the process

 Infinite Pranic Being* radiates in 8 days of inedited States of Love that are channeled by Akahi*through the conscious breath.  The Divine Nature of the Being* incarnates the Pranic State through the alignment of the mind, body, emotion, soul-spirit aspects,

In this process we work directly with the only consciousness of the Electromagnetic Camp (merkaba, Aura, Body of Light) in breath, in silence, in stillness, activating different sensational states—neuronal and cellular (soul, mind, body) freeing and emptying the Being* of fears and conditioning  that may be blocking the Universalization of evolving Love in the permanent expression of one’s Being*.
.  As a consequence a great evolution of the consciouesness occurs feelings of necessity creaeted by the ilusion of separation desapears , like the necesity to eat, drink, sleep, get sick, age, and die among many others.  You also obtain control over your own vital cycle, as internal codes are activated, magnifying the atomic structure and reprogramming the DNA, reaching your families and children, and new generations.
To better understand the process one should observe it like the infinite symbol, or the number 8
One of the circles is the exhalation—3 days (exhale or consciously permit oneself in silence to empty—mind, emotions, body, soul). 
The point in which the two circles are joined is the nothing-all, end and beginning—2 days (here your inner universe breathes you in your own energy vortex). 
The other circle is the inhalation—3 days, or the conscious absorption of the Cosmic Information that you choose to have.
Along with the diet,during the 8 days with the help of Akahi*,a perfect sequence of Conscious Breathing and Light-Affirmation sessions will be guided, which contain the essential information that the Universe chose for this process.
-1stth to 8th day:   2 breathing sessions each day, in the morning, and at the afternoon.  These include: Pranic Neurocellular Programming, The Abyss of Happiness* Internal Heaven, and Infinite Pranic Light.
*The 8 Days*
1st day, Aligning the Body*:  you permit yourself to eat your favorite fruits and drink fresh juices of the same fruits in the quantity that you choose.
2nd day, Aligning the Mind*:  subtly you permit yourself to drink very smooth fresh fruit juices, reaching a point in which you only drink water in the quantity you choose in the afternoon/evening.
3rd day, Aligning Emotions*:  let go of everything in lightness and permit the Being* to integrate into the emptiness in dry, no fruit or liquids will be ingested on this day, or days 4 and 5.
4th and 5th days, Be* Soul:  in the Still Energy where the duality of the ego turns to dust, here you remember Being* sustained by the Universe and as a consequence the Pranic Consciousness flourishes, at your own natural way, easy and precise for you, it is purely the lived experience.
6th day, Be* Emotions:  on this day from the place of conscious innocence you permit yourself to smoothly integrate liquids into your present, beginning with water in the morning and fresh fruit juice in the afternoon/evening.
7th day, Be* Mind:  Expanding your perception and senses you permit yourself to drink juices made from your favorite fruits, teaching your body to ingest from the space of non-necessity, enjoyment, and pleasure.
8th day, Be* Body:  on this day the Pranic Consciousness is manifested in the sensations, neurons, and cells and a recreation of the entire Being* occurs, observing the benefits of your process, contemplating the expansion of y0ur consciousness and understanding and living it physically from your cellular structure, penetrating and going through all of your bodies and exteriorizing itself in life.  On this day you will drink fresh fruit juices made from your favorite fruiTS.
Breatharian Science Internal Transmition by: Akahi* Ricardo Salas Q.

8 Day Breatharian Transition Process: dates 2012*

-March 8th to 15th

April 7th to 14th 

May 5th to 12th

Via Skype from Cal.  U.S.A.
groups of five people Spanish and English
the cost per person of the full 8 day Group workshop Via Skype is :$1000usd

reserve your space with a Paypal $500usd deposit *Non Refoundable* wich must be received 10 days before the beggining of the workshop at selfmasteryjourney.akahmi@gmail.comthen send your name and your basic info to : and you will receive an instructional message.You may choose to receive your retreat in a peaceful place and free from distraction .
All breathings sessions will be given in complete confidence .
Skype and good internet conection and videocall equipment are required.
more info about the 8 day *Infinite Pranic Being* Breatharian Process in the home page.

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Alegria* Tv Show #2 Introducing Breatharianism to the World

Be a participant witness of the planetary awareness with Akahi & Camila in this TV space directed toward the human self-empowerment and planetary harmony.
Questions and answers to conscious themes such as breatharianism, life style, health, nutrition, self-sustainability, natural house building, nature preservation and new green technology, new era, meditation, yoga and fitness, among infinite themes that you can recommend us to consider in the show.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

Universo Prana* y Evolucion


PRANA": es la energía fuente que crea y sostiene la existencia Universal

Quien recuerda la no-separación con  Prana* tiene libre acceso a la más pura energía del Universo la cual también fluye como esencia de su Ser* unificado al Amor  y aquí todo es posible para ti, vivir se torna muy fácil, y divertido.
Ya que cuentas con el acceso a la información de la fuente y en esta infinita fuente de energía ( información ) existen todas las respuestas y recursos para tu natural bienestar.

Prana en lo no-físico es el espacio de todas las posibilidades, Energía Consciente Quieta, la misma que es intencionada de forma no-física con la influencia de nuestras creaciones en deseos y pensamientos que están acompañados de sentimientos y emociones acordes a la vibración de ese deseo o creación.

Aquí en este espacio llamado 
Prana* se funden todas las dimensiones de consciencia en un solo lenguaje vibratorio de Amor.

Prana* es también la Energía enlace entre lo físico y lo no físico ,

Prana* en lo físico
En el cuerpo físico Prana* fluye como el aire que se retroalimenta a través de la respiración ,   atomizándose en el vacío que sucede entre la exhalación e inhalación,  creando un permanente impulso energético que sostiene la vida del cuerpo físico con cada respiración.

Prana es energía inteligente Vital Universal
Que sostiene la Creación  de la materia y el Universo físico, al cual nuestro cuerpo físico pertenece como una extensión  de 
Prana*  con el objetivo definido de crear un cuerpo vehículo perfecto  e ilimitado en Amor Creativo, como reflejo del poder infinito de Prana* y la Creación*

La perspectiva 
Prana* es ilimitada, recuerda, tu puedes tomar lo que tu quieras de  Prana*, contiene la alquimia de todas las informaciones, tu respiración consciente Pranica es tu herramienta a través de la cual de muchas formas  canalizas estos recursos  en paz y silencio , y puedes vivir como la claridad de tus pensamientos influyen en claridad de tu presente realidad y así naturalmente aflora el recuerdo y entendimiento de las Leyes de Universo que gobiernan la energía y la materia. Inicialmente la Ley de Atracción  y la Ley de la  Creación Deliberada,  activando tu capacidad de influir sutilmente y comunicarte con la energía creativa, desde aquí el Ser' se fusiona con  el Espacio Multidimensional de todas las Posibilidades y Perspectivas

Todo respira en la Tierra,  y el Universo también respira y lo hace a través de tu Ser* inhalándote y exhalándote con cada respiración,  usándote como conducto a través del cual canaliza felicidad para su propia expansión.
Si esta es tu función, la más sencilla y disfrutable de todas, solo ser un conducto de felicidad amplio y luminoso,
 , , respira profundo…

 Prana* sabe muy bien lo que deseas y como lo deseas, la clave es permitir, ser un permisor de tu Evolución y la del Planeta.
Recuerda Eres un Ser* en evolución  en un Universo en evolución,  
Es más fácil fluir con la ola que ir en contra de ella.

La Evolución es permanente el Universo Vive se mueve, vibra , crea, se expande siempre hacia la luz de Amor  y nosotros con él , es algo inevitable, sucede mas allá de que seas consciente de que ya te esta sucediendo, 

Todas las especies sobre la tierra son parte de esta perfecta y sincrónica Evolución.
Lo están haciendo muy bien.

Bellos Seres*  Vivan el respirar
Respiren , aquiétete , permítete regresar a la energía quieta , donde eres un permisor , donde dejamos de influir en algo para permitir que el Universo Creativo influya en nosotros ..

Cada ves es más fácil , permítete ser parte de la evolución a la Raza De Luz Humana ..
ya esta sucediendo.

Respira, todo está siempre muy bien.

con Infinit8 Amor 


miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Camila* Conscious Pregnancy & Divine Birth

Celebrating Life  is the accompaniment for the woman in her bliss of
becoming Mother. 
A perfect sequence of conscious breathing techniques designed to harmonize  the pregnancy for Mama, Papa ,and baby will be shared to create  loving
relationships of confidence for healthy growth and birth.


OCTOBER 9th   
9am to 4pm
from California, USA
COST $90usd for 1 month
$210usd per Trimester
    Groups of  Five Women